
  • Issue Time


  • Total Supply

    16,520,368,700 XVG

  • Circulation

    16,520,368,700 XVG

  • White paper


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  • Block Explorer

    https://verge-blockchain.info/ https://xvg.tokenview.com/

Verge is an open source cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin technology designed for daily use. It employs a network of multiple anonymous centers, such as TOR and I2P, for privacy protection and fast transactions that are easy to adopt on a large scale.

Verge cryptocurrency can help both parties to conduct currency transactions quickly and effectively, and avoid the involvement of a third party. With Verge cryptocurrency, enterprises and individuals can freely choose to send and receive funds. With the introduction of the Wraith Protocol upgrade, users can send and receive payments privately on edge blockchain via secret addressing services. End users are reportedly able to switch between private and public ledgers on the blockchain. The Verge offers five different proof-of-work algorithms for mining including Lyra2rev2, Scrypt, X17, Blake2s, and Myr Groestl.

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