RING(Darwinia Network)

  • Issue Time


  • Total Supply

    2,264,781,046 RING

  • Circulation

    1,386,148,398 RING

  • White paper


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    https://etherscan.io/token/0x9469d013805bffb7d3debe5e7839237e535ec483 https://polygonscan.com/token/0x9C1C23E60B72Bc88a043bf64aFdb16A02540Ae8f https://arbiscan.io/token/0x9e523234d36973f9e38642886197d023c88e307e https://ethplorer.io/address/0x9469d013805bffb7d3debe5e7839237e535ec483

The Darwinia Network project began in late 2018, when Parity released Substrate Toolkit. Darwinia implements a decentralized network that acts as a relay chain between major blockchains and transfers assets in a decentralized and percolation-free unmanaged manner.

Darwinia Network is a Web3.0 cross-chain bridge hub based on Substrate. Its main cross-chain applications are Defi, NFT, and Gaming, and it has been written into boca Light white paper. Darwinia was selected to join Substrate Builder Program and Web3.0 Bootcamp, and due to its excellent work in Substrate Builder Program, Darwinia Network was officially awarded the Level 2 badge by Parity. Products and tools developed by Darwinia have received three W3F grants.

Darwinia is designed to operate as a parallel chain to Polkadot, but can also work as a standalone network in Solo mode, with its own consensus, security, and cross-chain capabilities that can be used to back up and mitigate polkadot-based technical issues.

Darwinia has been building a permissionless unmanaged bridge protocol featuring efficient, low-cost, decentralized cross-chain token and NFT transport and other cross-chain operations.

RING is the Darwinia Network's native token, and the base asset for playing the Metauniverse game Evolution Planet.

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