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  • Issue Time


  • Total Supply

    363,513,613 CAKE

  • Circulation

    165,475,236 CAKE

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PancakeSwap, built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP-20 tokens. It is fast, cheap, and allows anyone to participate. Users can get FLIP (LP token) for staking and get CAKE token as reward. CAKE holders can swap CAKE for SYRUP for additional incentivized staking. PancakeSwap uses an automated market maker (AMM) model. It means that while you trade digital assets on the platform, there isn’t an order book where you’re matched with someone else. Instead, you trade against a liquidity pool. Traders deposit funds into the pool, receiving liquidity provider (or LP) tokens in return. They can use those tokens to reclaim their share, plus a portion of the trading fees.

Trade on ZKE Exchange:



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