DAR(Mines of Dalarnia)

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    800,000,000 DAR

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    208,484,058 DAR

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Mines of Dalarnia is a procedurally generated level action adventure game. Players mine and combine various items in the game, improving their skills and equipment to unlock the secrets of the universe of Mines of Dalarnia, while searching for rare items. In Dalarnia, players can explore different terrain, mine rare resources, and friends can play together in the Dalarnia world.

Mines of Dalarnia is built on the Chromia network, and any other supported game built on the network can share assets between different game worlds. As the number of games in an ecosystem grows, developers can form complex synergies between multiple games. The development team behind Mines of Dalarnia hopes that this funding initiative will accelerate this growth and create an immersive, powerful and resilient metasomes game.

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