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Orbs is a public blockchain infrastructure designed for businesses looking at trust as a competitive strategy. With blockchains as the new standard for impartial third-party source of verification, solutions can give strong guarantees that will make them more attractive to their users and ecosystem partners. To accommodate business needs, Orbs is pioneering a hybrid consensus architecture, keeping businesses in control of costs, governance and guaranteed performance, while still capturing the disruption of a truly decentralized Proof-of-Stake ecosystem with a permissionless validator pool. The first of its kind two-tiered consensus overcomes one of the largest hurdles in mass adoption of public blockchain networks and paves the road to migration from private-permissioned DLTs to truly decentralized permissionless blockchains. Orbs’ other notable technological innovations include Randomized Proof of Stake (RPoS), which brings horizontal scalability; and blockchain virtualization, allowing isolation, customization as well as low and predictable subscription-based fees for developers. Founded in 2017, Orbs is being developed by a dedicated team of more than 50 people out of its offices in Tel Aviv, Israel; San Francisco, California, Singapore and Seoul, South Korea. Orbs was named Gartner's “Cool Vendor in Blockchain Technology” for 2018.

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