TRB(Tellor Tributes)

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  • Total Supply

    1,623,899 TRB

  • Circulation

    1,545,796 TRB

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Tellor Oracle systems is a completely decentralized community focused on securely putting data on the chain. oracle Staking and dispute mechanisms protect data using simple cryptoeconomic incentives, while communities are bound by tokens that use anonymous governance systems and monetary policies to reward and incentivize network adoption and growth.

The Tellor predictor can see far beyond the level of arbitrary price data. Tellor-oracle is a protocol for answering any kind of question on the chain. Tellor is a seer system in which a fixed group of "reporters" answer questions on a chain for others to use freely. To create a proper incentive system, Tellor minted a native token called tribute (TRB). Incentive Reporters in TRB submit data using peer-to-peer payments and inflation incentives. Using TRB, parties can "prompt" specific questions or "queries" they want to update, and reporters can then choose whether the payment for the data is worth putting value up the value chain. Tellor's security is achieved through TRB deposits, which serve as guarantees or equity requirements for reporters' participation in providing data. If reporters successfully disputed the data, they could lose the stake.

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