OCEAN(Ocean Protocol)

  • Issue Time


  • Total Supply

    613,099,141 OCEAN

  • Circulation

    434,026,836 OCEAN

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    https://cn.etherscan.com/token/0x967da4048cD07aB37855c090aAF366e4ce1b9F48 https://ethplorer.io/address/0x967da4048cD07aB37855c090aAF366e4ce1b9F48

OCEAN coin is the network token of Ocean Protocol, the English full name is Ocean Protocol, also called Ocean Coin. Issued on May 7, 2019, OCEAN coins are used as a value exchange method on the Ocean Protocol network. Users can earn OCEAN coins by providing data, and OCEAN coins can be used to provide network services and manage data.

The Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol designed to unlock data and provide more fair results for data users. The Ocean Protocol allows data providers to interact with data consumers through a decentralized data market, while ensuring the control, auditability, transparency and compliance of all participants. OCEAN currency is used as a value exchange method on the ocean protocol network to enhance the protocol and incentivize network nodes. Users can earn OCEAN coins by providing data as a market. OCEAN coins can be used to provide network services and manage data.

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