CFX(Conflux Network)

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  • Total Supply

    5,284,997,962 CFX

  • Circulation

    2,097,547,687 CFX

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Conflux Network Is a smart contract platform with Turing-complete state machines built on high throughput consensus protocols. Conflux agrees on a transaction validator based on the total order of the blocks organized in a tree graph, a novel consensus mechanism that extends the benefits relative to existing blockchains. It also uses proof of work (PoW) to complement its tree graph consensus protocol. Conflux has a native token called CFX that acts as a reward and means of paying transaction fees for network miners.

Conflux Network will prove the workload (PoW) in combination with its new block sorting protocol tree-Graph. It also combines economic mechanisms from transaction sponsorship to token collateral. Conflux uses a novel greedy heaviest adaptive subtree (GHAST) protocol to reach consensus, in which the network optimistically processes blocks without discarding any forks, and assigns weights to each block according to the tree graph ledger structure. According to the team, the combination of Confux's Tree-Graph and GHAST protocols enables it to achieve more than 3,000 transactions per second. The goal is to maintain this level of scalability without affecting decentralization parameters such as the number of nodes and storage costs. A technical demonstration of Conflux Network can be found here.

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