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  • Total Supply

    3,175,000,000 FTM

  • Circulation

    2,541,152,731 FTM

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    https://cn.etherscan.com/token/0x4e15361fd6b4bb609fa63c81a2be19d873717870 https://solscan.io/token/8gC27rQF4NEDYfyf5aS8ZmQJUum5gufowKGYRRba4ENN https://bscscan.com/token/0xad29abb318791d579433d831ed122afeaf29dcfe https://explorer.celo.org/mainnet/token/0x218c3c3d49d0e7b37aff0d8bb079de36ae61a4c0

Fantom (FTM) is a new smart contract platform developed on the basis of DAG. It is a high-performance public chain (compatible with Ethereum virtual machines) supporting smart contracts. It aims to solve the problems of poor scalability and low efficiency in the existing public distributed ledger technology.

Fantom is a highly scalable DAG project, currently the main application area is DeFi, fast transaction and almost zero commission. The Fantom platform plans to differentiate itself from the traditional block-based distributed ledger storage infrastructure by using an improved version of the existing DAG protocol. This offers developers and users some significant upgrades in terms of functionality and usability compared to the market leading Ethereum. The developers at Fantom are passionate about creating reliable, secure and fast transaction networks. The ultimate goal of the project is to one day become the "nervous system of smart cities." The developers envision that these metropolises will use Fantom's core protocols to keep in touch and conduct day-to-day business.

Fantom aims to solve many of the problems faced by ethereum users and developers today, with the main focus of the network being to create a secure and scalable decentralized network. To this extent, the development team succeeded. Fantom can offer nearly unlimited scalability and instant transactions at almost zero cost.

Trade on ZKE Exchange:https://www.zke.com/




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