SFP(SafePal )

  • Issue Time


  • Total Supply

    500,000,000 SFP

  • Circulation

    369,791,669 SFP

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    https://bscscan.com/token/0xd41fdb03ba84762dd66a0af1a6c8540ff1ba5dfb https://explorer.energi.network/token/0x12490d720747E312bE64029Dfd475837Ed285cFe

SafePal is a digital currency wallet designed to provide a secure and user-friendly crypto asset management platform. SafePal offers hardware wallet and software wallet products managed by SafePal App, where users can easily store, manage and trade their crypto assets. SafePal supports 20 blockchains, including Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain (BSC), over 10,000 tokens and NFT assets.

SafePal is a decentralized cold wallet brand of Binant Investment. Its safe and easy-to-use product positioning is favored by many coin holders. Its SafePal S1 cold Wallet adopts top security design architecture such as hot and cold separation, QR code offline transmission, EAL5+ financial grade encryption chip and multiple sensors to ensure the ultimate security of cryptographic digital assets. SafePal now supports more than 1500 mainstream currencies, including BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, BCH, LTC, TRX, NEO, Dash, ZEC, DGB, ONE, ERC20 token, BEP2 token, NEP5 token, etc. Meanwhile, it has integrated the binamDEX decentralized exchange. Users can safely trade, transfer money and manage assets anytime and anywhere.

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